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Affordable Bible Classes
Equipping men and women with the proper tools to learn the Bible, and better serve the local church they are in
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100% Online
Study from the comfort of home, without needing to relocate
KJV - Only
Standing firm on the final authority of the King James Bible
Our Beliefs
Asheville, NC
Based near the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains
About Us

Welcome to ABI

We are a local church institute seeking to equip men and women with the proper tools to learn the Bible, and better serve the local church they are in. Courses offered are 100% online, enabling you to obtain a degree without having to leave your church and home. We are King James Only, Dispensational, Baptist and Fundamental. Our prayer is that this Institute will enable and encourage more people to learn the Bible and serve the Lord!

Why Choose ABI?


Earn your degree without having to your leave home, church, family, or job! Our classes are 100% online, and consist of prerecorded videos and assignments.


As Independent Baptists, we hold the King James Bible as the final authority in all matters of faith and practice, and believe dispensationalism is the key to rightly dividing the Word of Truth.


Forget the thousands of dollars in tuition! We believe good Bible teaching should be available to everyone, and offer classes at a minimal monthly cost.

What We Believe

We are Baptist in doctrine, and traditional in views of music and worship. We subscribe to a moderate dispensationalism. We hold the Biblical position along with the Baptistic groups of ages past that the Roman Catholic Church is “the great whore” of Revelation 17, and are against the falsehoods taught in the major seminaries across the country: the lies of higher and lower criticism of the word of God. We also believe in a practical, Biblical Christianity: prayer, personal work, giving, ministering to the saints, and a daily walk with Jesus Christ….

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What Our Students Are Saying

​I would recommend ABI to any Bible student. The instructors give specific doctrinal truth, but also teach how to study the word, which instills a desire to learn. 

Jerry N.

As a stay at home wife and mother, I started ABI in hopes to learn knowledge about my KJB to pass on to my 3 boys. I was hesitant at first because I wanted to finish if I started. Now being in my second year, I’m so thankful that I stepped out. Rightly dividing is what I was missing. 

Danielle B.

​​It’s been a great time with the ABI. The goal is not a spoon-feeding, but rather teaching students how to think and it’s exactly what ABI helps with!

Dan R.

Our Staff







