About ABI
Welcome to Asheville Baptist Institute! Based in the heart of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, we are a local church institute seeking to equip men and women with the proper tools to learn the Bible, and better serve the local church they are in. Whether you are seeking to become a pastor, or simply desire to gain a better understanding of the Bible and related spiritual topics, Asheville Baptist Institute will provide instruction based on sound, Biblical doctrine. Courses offered are 100% online, enabling you to obtain a degree without having to leave your church and home. We are King James Only, Dispensational, Baptist and Fundamental. For most classes, the only textbook you will need is a King James Bible! Our prayer is that this Institute will enable and encourage more people to learn the Bible and serve the Lord!

More Info
To learn more about what we believe, follow this link – Doctrine
To view courses offered, see this page – Courses
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at ashevillebaptistinstitute@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!